
Liver Transplant Treatment

lung transplant

Liver and Organ Transplant

A liver transplant is a surgery that removes diseased liver or failed liver (liver that no longer functions properly) and replaces it with a part (family member or people with same blood type- living donor) or whole liver of another person (recently deceased person- cadaver donor). Liver is one of the most critical organs in human body (without liver one cannot survive) which plays vital role in digestion, filtration of toxins, creation of crucial proteins, storage of fat, vitamins etc. In adults one of the most common factors contributing in damaged liver is acute hepatic necrosis, biliary atresia, hepatitis, metabolic diseases, autoimmune hepatitis, liver cancer, cirrhosis etc. Before the liver transplant patient goes through series of tests and diagnosis including liver biopsy, x-rays, ultrasound, heart and blood test etc.

If you or your loved ones have terminal illness or failed organ(s) and requires or needs an organ transplant then consider Afzal Healthcare at your behest. At Afzal Healthcare you can avail numerous hospitals and specialist that engage in organ transplant surgery, these top-notch facilities and surgeons make sure the patient gets proper treatment and cure post and pre surgical procedure.

Liver Transplant

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