Infertility Treatment
Although infertility may affect a person irrespective of gender but the doctor prescribes the treatment on a case by case study to significantly improve the chances of getting pregnant.
Although infertility may affect a person irrespective of gender but the doctor prescribes the treatment on a case by case study to significantly improve the chances of getting pregnant.
Fertility drugs or Hormones is one of the foremost procedures to tackle the infertility. In females it helps to regulate, induce the ovulation or restore the normal hormonal level. In some instances if there is a tissue that is blocking the fertility surgical procedure is used to remove the tissue. In addition to the fertility drugs and surgery assisted reproduction in the form of in vitro fertilization (IVF- healthy sperm fertilizes the eggs in a test tube or an external body) and intrauterine insemination (IUI -healthy sperm is collected and inserted directly into your uterus) is also utilized to help the patient in conceiving.